
On the Road Again!

Well, today is our final day in Colorado. We've had a wonderful time visiting family and friends, but now it's time to hit the road. The kids are leaving with mixed feelings. While they are excited to see daddy again (it's been 3 weeks), they are dreading leaving their cousins and grandma and papa. It's been a wonderful trip. When we arrive home, we will update with pictures and highlights of our trip. We became very busy and it's been difficult to keep up with the updates and new pictures, of which there are many. So, pray for us on our long drive home to Ohio and we will blog at ya' later.


Happy 11 years of marriage!!!!

Our Love Still Grows
Our anniversary means a lot,
Much more than any another day;
I celebrate my love for you,
And cherish you in every way.
Through passing time,
our love still grows;
It lasts through all good times and bad.
Our future together still shines bright,
With more good times to be had!
By Karl Fuchs
Tim and I are celebrating 11 years of marriage today, July 22nd. It's been a long and sometimes windy road, but it has been worth every minute of work. He's my best friend, my cheering squad, and my common sense when I've needed it, which happens to be a lot. He keeps me grounded and yet on my toes. We've had lots of fun the last 11 years raising 3 wonderful kids. Tim, I love you with all my heart and am looking forward to a lifetime of memories with you. Thank you for all you are and for everything that I am because of you. I know that in my busy schedule, I don't say it enough, but thank you and I appreciate all that you do. Happy Anniversary!


Memory Lane: Please participate!

1. Please add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you


Under the Sea

The other day we made a visit to the Aquarium in Denver, Colorado. I hadn't been there in a few years, so I was very excited for the kids to see it again and hopefully this time, remember it. The aquarium is set up in the United States first going along the Colorado River. Then it jumps to Asia and finally ends in the Great Barrier Reef where you get to see sharks and exotic fish. Those were the most beautiful fish. The following are pictures of some of the kids' favorite spots. By the way, if you ever make it to Denver, it's the exit after Elitches and across the highway from Mile High Stadium. Also, if you're brave enough, you can scuba dive with the sharks (ages 10+) and with the exotic fish (ages 6+) Corral Reef
Nemo and Dory
In Asia on the bridge looking at the Big Cat!!!!
Nathan's favorite! It's Crush!
Bruce? Sure doesn't look friendly. There were actually 3 scuba divers in there with the sharks.
That's Kaitlyn's hand in there. She was feeding fish to the Sting Rays. Their tales are clipped so they aren't dangerous. Nathan touched them but wouldn't feed them. Matthew wouldn't do either. Both boys gave their fish to Kaitlyn. She loved it and wanted to get more. I think that this was her favorite spot. It was so interesting to learn how they eat. Kaity said that they suck the fish out of your hand and it feels weird.. The woman that works with the sting rays mentioned that they do have teeth, but they don't use them. Instead, they use their mouths like suction cups. They basically are ocean vacuums.
MoonJellies. These were my favorite. They look so peaceful and gentle. Amazing that they hold a painful sting.
Picture of the Tiger. Who said cats don't like water? These cats swim with the fish and do it on purpose.

Matthew's favorite isn't shown. It was part of the Colorado River exhibit. You walk into this little area and when you look around the ground is wet, the sky is dark, there are high rocks, and dry brush. All of a sudden it starts to rain, just softly at first. Suddenly it's a downpourf! You begin to hear flash flood warnings. Before you know it, water is flooding (behind the glass of course). The river fills up quickly and water begins to splash out at the spectators. That's when I backed up behind the just noticed "dry area" sign and the kids moved closer into the "wet area". All at once, it was over. The water began to subside and the skies cleared. Finally, we heard the weather man from channel 9 news say the flash flood warning has now been lifted. It was so cool. The kids truly had a wonderful time. What made it most special is that they were able to share it with Grandma.


Happy Halloween? No, not really, just need help.

Okay, I need all the suggestions you can give. As some of you know, the kids' birthdays are during the same same month and ony a few days apart from one another. So, because the birthdays fall the last week of October (25th, 28th, 30th) the kids have decided that they would like to have a Halloween party this year instead of just a family thing. So, here's where I need your help. How do you plan a Halloween Birthday Party when the kids will be turning 6, 9, and 11?


When I grow up, I'm going to be..................

On Monday, Tom and my kids went to a wonderful place called Lil Biggs. It was completely awesome! For $5, each (up to age 10) kid can get into an imaginary town and play all day. The kids had so much fun. Tamra and I were running all over the place and slept well that night. The girls could've played all day. My nieces favorite was pretending to be a doctor/nurse and fixing the babies. Kaitlyn liked to get dressed up as a cheerleader and twirl batton (please don't let her be a cheerleader). Above, the girls dressed up in Jazz dresses and then persuaded the boys to form a marching band. It was so much fun. It's nice to know that there is a place for kids to go that's fun and imaginative during rain, snow or shine. I don't have as many pictures of the boys. They didn't sit still long enough, especially my nephew. Everytime he saw me with the camera, he took off. It was such a great day!!! It's awesome having cousins all the same age and in the same grades. Both girls will be starting Kindergarten this year. It's too bad we don't live closer to one another.

EEWW!! They swim in their POO!!!!

YEAH!!! Playtime. They have an awesome petting zoo and play area that was finally completed a couple of years ago. Kaitlyn wouldn't hold still for a picture she was so excited to go play. Matthew was just thirsty and wanted to get out of the sun.
This part grossed out mommy. Feeding Giraffes their crackers. They have 11inch black tongues. Where's the sanitizing goop???????
Kaitlyn all morning kept saying she wanted to see the Hippos!!!! They are her favorite.
They swim in Poo Water? That's disgusting! Mom look, there's poo in their water!
I have to say that of all the zoos I've been to USA and Europe included, this is the best zoo ever. We started out in the African Safari where we fed Giraffes. Visited the Asian area to visit the tigers and leopards. Peeked at the wolves, fed birds, and growled at the grizzlies. The only thing we couldn't do was the SkyRide. It's like a ski lift that carries you from one side of the zoo to the other and you can see everything from above. The weather started turning, we heard thunder and decided that since we are on a mountain, we would have to pass on the SkyRide this time. We also had to pass on the Will Rogers Shrine. The kids didn't know who he was anyways.

A Work in Progress

A train module in progress. My dad is off and running, building another module. We leave Colorado in less than 2wks so I don't think that I'll be here for the completed work. Anyways, dad is working on this one to be displayed at the Arapahoe Fair. It already looks truly amazing. He also works with young kids to teach them how to build and maintain train modules. It already looks amazing and unfortunately, you aren't able to see how intricately the mountains are shaved. This one is a special one because 2 of his grandchildren, Nathan and Matthew, were able to help with the mountains. I'll try to keep updated pictures, but as he is very meticulous and I only have 2 wks in Colorado left, the likelihood of it being completed is slight.


Heaven in the middle of the city

Wanted to share some pictures of our beauty in the middle of the city. The kids and I went to Palmer Park yesterday to have a little fun since they were down about daddy going back home. This place is so beautiful and one of the last places in the city that still does not cost. The kids absolutely loved it. It only takes five minutes to get there and there is so much to do. We started out at the lookout to see the city on one side and the Rockies on the other. AMAZING views!!! We then went hiking around and over the rocks. So much fun. After about 45 minutes we made it back to our car and Kaitlyn wanted to find another trail to hike. Needless to say, I was completely worn out. We topped off the Palmer Park trip with some fun at the play area. It's amazing what three years gone can do to a place. This was a quiet and beautiful escape from the bustle and rush of the city people. We are a small town (less than 5000 people) family so this is a bit overwhelming for all of us. Mandee........I'm going to have to email you pictures of this place. You wouldn't believe how big it has become.