
To Watch or Not To Watch

Okay, so I'm pretty torn right now and the rest of you probably can help me. You see, in June, the girls and I will be taking a trip to the Stranahan in Toledo to watch Mama Mia! on stage. Now, here's the dilemma. On Dish Network right now, I can order for ALL DAY viewing the movie for $1.99. I"ve wanted to see the movie for so long, but don't know if the movie will ruin the stage show. I've told myself since the movie came out in theaters that I should probably wait to see it on stage first and then the movie and I've been good about that. BUT it's so inexpensive right now and it's so tempting.....What do you think????? Should I wait and then rent it later from the video store once I've seen the show????


Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!

Today my parents celebrate 35 years of marriage!!!!! Completely Awesome!!!! We love you!!! Thanks for all you are and all you do. If not for you guys, I wouldn't be the person I am today!!!


Spring Sports

kaity playing soccer

Matthew playing soccer. Ummmm aren't you guys on the same team????

My 2nd baseman/pitcher. Finally he has found a love for baseball. I knew if we switched the team he was going to be on that it would make a world of difference. He did NOT want to be on the same team as last year. Can't say that I blame him though. We found out later that the team was going to have a different coach, but it still has worked out great. Daddy is the asst. coach.


Mother's Day

We spent Mother's Day in Mansfield, Ohio window shopping and getting the kids some summer clothes. Kaitlyn has been asking to get her ears pierced. Tim and I finally gave in on Mother's Day. While in Mansfield, we stopped at Claire's and Kaity now finally has pierced ears. She was such a trooper. She cried for a few seconds and then was done, just like when she gets vaccinations. Anyways, there was another mom there getting ready to have her daughter's ears pierced also. We sat there talking when the woman decided to take it upon herself to tell Kaity that piercing doesn't hurt. WHAT?????????? I couldn't believe she was lying to my daughter. Tim and I just finished explaining to Kaity how it hurts, but only for about a minute. She did great though. The manager and asst. manager did both ears at the same time so Kaitlyn couldn't change her mind after the first one was done. She's very proud of her earrings, they are her birthstone. Sorry mom, I know you probably won't like that we let her do it so early. I told her she was lucky because you didn't let me pierce mine until 10.


No More Teachers, No More Books!!!

I am done with school for the rest of summer!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! Only one semester left and then I graduate. In some ways I wish we could take RN classes in the summer, but it's definitely time for a MUCH needed brain break. Our last final was on Cinco de Mayo so half of us went to Mi Tequila for food and fun. For some reason???? I'm not in any of the pictures. Anyways, very glad that this semester is over!!! My final semester begins in Aug and will include Peds, OB, and Geri (both ends of the life spectrum).