
Finally............and now onto the journey

Well, I finally will have time to update more often, atleast I hope.  I took my boards on Tuesday and found out that I passed on Wednesday.  That same day I had my second interview for the nurse intern program at Toledo Hospital.  On Thursday, I received a call from Toledo Hospital and received one of two positions that were available.  Very excited and ready to begin this next journey.


Still Not Ready

Sorry everybody, but still not ready to get back into the full swing of blogging yet.  Been studying for boards which will take place this week.
Just a few quick updates......

NATHAN----we are VERY proud of him. He made it into the final round at the Tri-County Spelling Bee.  He went out on the word colloquial.  Sad to say, but I didn't even remember hearing that word before.  Just received his report card and is still pulling straight A's.  He'll be in middle school next year, so I hope that he continues being involved in school.  The school sent home is preliminary schedule for 7th grade 2 weeks ago.....not ready for that.

Matthew and Kaity both received their report cards also and both on Honor Roll again for the 9 wks. 

Tim is still working very hard. This year he will have 2 wks of vacation.  They'll probably get used all up in June with my high school reunion in Vegas and a wedding in Iowa.

Kim.........well, I finally graduated from nursing school with honors.  Worked very hard to obtain a GPA of 3.94.  Wish I had applied myself that much in high school and in college the first time.  Probably would've earned that degree a LONG time ago.

Well, that's unfortunately all I have time for right now.  Will do better updates and upload some pictures in about a week.  Have to make it through this week first.  Hope all of your families are well.  Many blessings!