
Graduation is around the corner!!

It's getting excited and very busy around here. Today I signed up for my final classes for my RN degree..............very exciting!!! I also officially petitioned for Graduation and paid my fee!!!! RN classes aren't offered in the Summer, so in the Fall I will take 3 more classes and do one-on-one precepting and that's it!!!! I can't believe there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Graduation is December 11th at 1900. There is a pinning ceremony that morning for acknowledgmen of students in the Nursing Department. I'm so excited to walk across that platform with my husband and kids watching. My kids are finally going to see what the sacrifice of the last 3years has been for. Now to just get through the rest of this semester and the Fall semester.


The 6 Knight's said...

I can't beleive it has been 3 years already. I am so excited for you. Please send me an invitation to your graduation. I would love to come watch my little sister graduate from College! I am so proud of you!!!!!


Christie said...

congrats sweetie. i am so proud of you! :)