Nathan, The Grim Reaper

Kaity, the Bubbly Clown
Our trick or treating was on Thursday this year (Nate's birthday). We couldn't have it on Friday because our football team made it to playoffs and the first game was on Friday, Halloween night (which they won). Anyways, here are some pictures of our Halloween. Tim once again designed some awesome pumpkins. Last years were in the local newspaper. The kids trick or treated from 6-730 and had a blast. We started off on our road and went to all of the neighbors homes, then we walked up-town where the pizza place was giving away slices of pizza, the legion was giving away hot dogs and pop, Morenos was giving out peach and apple cider, and the fire/ems were giving out regular sized candy bars, hot chocolate, punch, popcorn and cookies. Needless to say, the kids made bank. I love being in such a small community where you're related to half the town and the other half you know because your kids go to school with their kids.
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