On this day we remember those who have served and those that are serving. On this Veteran's Day I'd like to say a prayer for all those serving and protecting us right now. You are not forgotten and we are grateful. Without the military, we would not be the country that we are today. We could not put our little sleepy-heads to bed at night knowing that they are safe if you were not defending our freedom and safety. With God's guidance, you have made us a strong Nation.

God Bless those who have served and are MIA or POW. We pray for you and we thank you.

My grandfather, who passed away in January was a purple heart recipient from World War II. He proudly served this country. My dad served for 20yrs and had tours in Vietnam. My mom served for 23yrs. My father-in-law and my Uncles were in the Navy. My brothers both proudly served their country, one Air Force and the other in the National Gaurd. My husband proudly served in the Army. Now, my nephew will be leaving for the Navy in less than 2 wks to serve his country with God's guidance. Without these people and others like them, we would not be what we are today. I thank each one of you.
Please remember our soldiers who are so proudly and confidently serving us today. We owe them a thank you. If you see a soldier, past or present, shake their hand and tell them what their sacrifice means to you.
I saw a soldier boarding a plane on a layover last weekend- and I seriousely was just overcome with awe and gratitude; I almost started crying. It is truly humbling. Happy Veteran's Day.
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