
Here is an answer!

I posted a question to some people about Obama and McCain. I've not been able to find a lot of bipartisan truthful information in my area and requested some info. Here's what I received from one person. I'd say he's very astute. I have a response from someone else that I will post later. Her information was from that of a Christian which I found to be very enlightening. Anyways, here is the first response.

He’s (Obama) going to play Robin Hood with our country and that’s just not right. You’ll notice his plans help those that are “struggling” and hurt the rest of us. This country was founded on principals that include fairness to all, not just the people that you van to every poll in the state and pay for their votes in cigarettes and beer. Our government owes us defense of our homeland, just laws, and a fair system of enforcing them. That’s what the three branches cover. Anything beyond that is socialism and has no place within our borders. Though I don’t agree with the tax credit that McCain is pushing, at least it’s distributed fairly. All taxpayers receive it, not just those that “can’t afford” health care. Obama is the socialist wolf in the centrist sheep’s clothing and it doesn’t take much brain power to realize that. I think people at the polls should be forced to read the constitution and a few quotes from our founding fathers before being allowed to vote. Maybe a couple of these:

“… a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring on another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” -- Thomas Jefferson

He’s a BIG spender, Chicago politician. But according to him and his VP it’s the patriotic thing to do.

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

Obama is one of the furthest left on banning guns, except for guns toted by his “civilian force.”
“He that lives upon hope will die fasting.” -- Benjamin Franklin

“But.. but.. but… that’s my whole um, campaign’s um, basis!” -- Barack Hussein Obama (not on the record J)

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” -- Thomas Jefferson

Obama obviously doesn’t believe this, he’s definitely not “like the other presidents on the dollar bills.”

“To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” -- George Washington

Obama plans to dismantle our nuclear deterrent and our ballistic missile defense at the same time. Good plan ("sarcasm").

Anyway, I don’t think abortion is the big show stopper here. The liberal justices have already decided that R v. W made abortion legal in all cases and any state that tries to restrict it gets their rights to do so trampled by the gang of 9. The president really doesn’t get a say in it unless the congress decides to actually do their job and write a bill regulating it or relegating it to the states, where it should be.

Here are two starting points for broader information on Obama:



McCain for some odd reason doesn’t like to call the rat a rat. I will. I’m not completely behind McCain on every issue but he has a much greater grasp on what the federal government’s job is. Not to define marriage, not to enable abortionists, but also not to provide welfare, especially by redistributing the wealth of others. I could go on all night; there are literally hundreds of reasons NOT to vote for Barack. He’s hiding his true self behind the façade of “the first black president” and the “even LESS like Bush” platform. You seriously can’t trust this person.

I apologize if any of this offends anyone, however, I believe it very important to be well educated and informed before deciding on something that will affect the rest of our lives and those of our children. In the question that I emailed to some people, I asked for information regarding both candidates in order to help me make an informed vote. Last semester, I took a Composition class and we were required to translate George Washington's Farewell Address to this country. It layed out his plans and ideals for us. You should all take a look at it. It's amazing to see that the things he warned us about are the things that have been ignored and the result has been what he dreaded it would be.

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