
Happy New Year 2009!!!

Happy New Year to everyone! We hope that you have a wonderful and blessed New Year. We welcomed the New Year in from home this year. We had some friends over and the kids had lots of fun playing the Wii and pictochat with each other and friend on their DS's. Nathan got sick and went to bed early so we weren't able to make our rounds to say hello to friends and Aunt Donna. It was fun nevertheless.

Kids drinking their Shirley Temples. They got started early on their New Years drinking. I think all the cherry juice is what made Nathan sick. He's sensitive to sweets and high fat foods. Tim grilling his fajitas. I had to put this picture in to make fun of him. It was 15 degrees out and he had shorts, longsleeve shirt, winter socks, sneakers, and a winter coat and hat on. The neighbors thought it was quite hilarious. They grilled out also, but omitted the shorts idea. Can't say that I blame them.
The finished results. I made Mexican Rice rice to go with his fajitas. He is so awesome at grilling. All I had to do was make the rice, guacomole, and pickle roles for the dinner.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe night. Happy New Year to you all! We miss and love all of you.

1 comment:

Dover Fam said...

That food looks soo good! Maybe we will do new years at your house next year!!!